Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Testing News

[this is from a fellow ESL teacher]

The state public education department cannot seem to adopt a statewide test for more than 5 years. School districts statewide have used the tests (TABS, TEAMS, TAAS, and now TAKS).

Therefore, San Antonio school districts have adopted a test that better fits the public education in their city. The new instrument will be the Texas Assessment of Cognitive Operations (TACO). It will have a remedial version (Soft TACO), a regular version (Hard TACO), and an advanced version with many more pages (the Gordita). It will be graded on the standard bell curve (the TACO Bell ).

Districts receiving the lowest scores will be put on probation with a Basic Educational Appraisal-Not Satisfactory (BEANS). A second low rating earns the dreaded supplemental Remediation Factor for Individualized Education Deficits (REFRIED BEANS).

This rating system is expected to cause a lot of hot air at campus faculty meetings.

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